Wednesday 22 June 2016

Why are all bureaucrats faceless?

Why are all bureaucrats faceless?

I know a couple of people who worked for the EU, and they certainly had faces, otherwise I would have struggled to recognise them when we agreed to meet up!

One of them worked on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) - "Bloody Brussels, telling us what we can, and can't, grow!" - and he explained it to me like this:

Most farmers are independent businesses, and grow what ever they like, and because they're independent, they've no idea whether the other farmers are growing the same things, or different things, so they don't know if there will be a glut, or a shortage, of whatever they're growing, so they won't know what price they'll get.

What the CAP sets out to do is work out how many oranges, carrots, cabbages, etc, the population of the EU needs each year, and suggests to each farmer, based on climate, soil type, etc, what they should grow, to provide their share of the overall EU food basket. That way, the right number of oranges are grown, where it's easiest to grow them, in Spain & Italy, and enough potatoes & apples are grown in the UK, where the climate's better suited.

All the while, the 'faceless bureaucrats' are recording yields, checking climate changes, changes in dietary trends, researching new strains & farming techniques, with an aim to providing as much of the EU shopping trolley that it can, at the cheapest prices, with as little waste as possible. The EU also negotiates the sale of any excess, and negotiates globally to get the best prices for the stuff we can't grow economically ourselves, like bananas.

As I said, all farmers are independent, and can't be made to grow what they're told to, so they are paid 'subsidies' (bribes!) to grow what the EU wants them to grow, which is paid for out of the profits realised from such a well structured approach to massive scale agricultural management.

If we leave the EU all that goes, and we're living in hope that all the UK's farmers don't suddenly decide: "I'll grow nothing but beetroot this year" - unless, of course, all you want to eat is beetroot! One thing's for sure. With the UK out of the EU, they will redraw the food basket to exclude us, reducing the numbers of oranges grown in the southern members, for example, and we will only get access to any surplus, if they get the numbers wrong, so prices will go up significantly under the simple principles of supply & demand.

Another excellent reason for voting 'remain', and recognising the fact that the bureaucrats, faceless or otherwise, could be doing something that keeps plentiful supplies of meat, milk, cheese, fruit & vegetables, in our shops, at the best possible prices!

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